High-precision positioning anywhere: Sub-metre accuracy for mass-market chipsets

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegas, NV, provides an opportunity for innovators like Hexagon | NovAtel to showcase the advances made across technologies. For NovAtel, we will demonstrate how the automotive industry can implement reliable and accurate high-precision positioning across mass market chipsets and receivers.

High-precision positioning means knowing where you are, precisely and safely across any environment and weather condition. Technology providers must balance manufacturing large volumes of positioning receivers with the level of sub-metre accuracy, reliability and safety they can enable.

Learn how we measure and test functional safety for autonomous applications.

Legacy positioning today

Traditionally, mass-market receivers have legacy positioning techniques, making them unreliable for achieving a safe operation. The receivers also tend to be susceptible to positioning errors like atmospheric effects, among many others.

High-precision positioning through GNSS technologies can be combined with measurements from additional sensors, like Lidar and cameras, to significantly improve positioning accuracy and reliability. Further, correction services enhance the system’s robustness while correcting positioning errors.

Applications like V2X and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) prioritise connectivity and functional safety in their designs. Many OEMs use sensors like cameras, Lidar and Radar to assist with accuracy and safety, but these sensors are limited when operating in adverse weather conditions and featureless environments.

To achieve autonomy, integrators need to rely on more than vision-based sensors for optimised safety and precision in the solutions.

High-precision positioning, anywhere

The solution for anyone in the automotive industry that is looking to balance cost optimisation and sub-metre performance lies in GNSS corrections and positioning software.

The above video showcases how NovAtel’s TerraStar X technology corrections and NovAtel’s positioning engine enable reliable lane-level accuracy and functional safety – but what does that performance look like in an actual use case?

At CES 2022, we’ll feature our high-precision positioning performance with automotive-grade chipsets and hardware in a live demo.

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